The mood on Dalal Street has not improved yet after the key rates hike and hawkish tone set by the RBI governor Duvvuri Subbarao in a policy meeting on May 3. The Sensex shed nearly 259 points on Thursday, with continuing downtrend for eighth consecutive session.
Experts see earnings downgrade in the quarter ended June 2011 after the 50 basis points hike in repo and reverse repo rate. Interest cost of the companies will increase going ahead as banks have slowly been increasing their lending rates.
Shares & Securities feels that people basically want to sit on cash for a simple reason that there is a kind of possibility of earning downgrade happening going forward once this particular oil price hike is announced.
Experts see earnings downgrade in the quarter ended June 2011 after the 50 basis points hike in repo and reverse repo rate. Interest cost of the companies will increase going ahead as banks have slowly been increasing their lending rates.
Shares & Securities feels that people basically want to sit on cash for a simple reason that there is a kind of possibility of earning downgrade happening going forward once this particular oil price hike is announced.