After he launched a fierce attack against the BJP and Baba Ramdev, Congress spokesperson Janardhan Dwivedi was targeted at a press conference by a man who tried to throw a slipper at him.
The man, allegedly named Sunil Kumar, posed as a journalist. He was grabbed by Congressmen. "The attack was pre-planned", said Mr Dwivedi minutes later.
Congress General Secretary Digvijaya Singh has told NDTV that man was an RSS activist. He is said to be a resident of Rajasthan and has been arrested by the Delhi police.
Earlier, Mr Dwivedi had mocked yoga guru Ramdev for dressing as a woman to avoid being arrested by the police on Saturday night.
The yoga teacher's hunger strike against corruption was interrupted by the Delhi Police on late Saturday night. The government had ordered the police to dismantle the camp and force the yoga icon out of Ramlila Maidan. There were 65,000 people at the Baba's camp when the police lathicharged and teargassed the crowd. After a dramatic chase that ended with the yoga icon being discovered dressed as a woman, the Baba was flown to Uttarakhand.
The government has been submerged in criticism since then by every major political party and social activists. Mr Dwivedi was defending the government's decision to pull the plug on the Baba's camp at the official Congress briefing this evening.
The man, allegedly named Sunil Kumar, posed as a journalist. He was grabbed by Congressmen. "The attack was pre-planned", said Mr Dwivedi minutes later.
Congress General Secretary Digvijaya Singh has told NDTV that man was an RSS activist. He is said to be a resident of Rajasthan and has been arrested by the Delhi police.
Earlier, Mr Dwivedi had mocked yoga guru Ramdev for dressing as a woman to avoid being arrested by the police on Saturday night.
The yoga teacher's hunger strike against corruption was interrupted by the Delhi Police on late Saturday night. The government had ordered the police to dismantle the camp and force the yoga icon out of Ramlila Maidan. There were 65,000 people at the Baba's camp when the police lathicharged and teargassed the crowd. After a dramatic chase that ended with the yoga icon being discovered dressed as a woman, the Baba was flown to Uttarakhand.
The government has been submerged in criticism since then by every major political party and social activists. Mr Dwivedi was defending the government's decision to pull the plug on the Baba's camp at the official Congress briefing this evening.