Tata Motors on Wednesday moved against the West Bengal Government challenging its controversial Singur land bill in the Calcutta High Court. The Bill effectively scrapped the Tata-Singur deal returning land to the unwilling farmers.
The Calcutta High Court, however, refused to hear ex-parte Tata Motors' petition challenging the Singur Land Act and Justice Soumitra Pal directed the Tata counsel to serve copy of petition to the state Advocate General for hearing at 12:05 pm.
The Bill also ensures redistribution of land from anywhere in the 997-acre plot allotted to Tata Motors in 2008 by the Left Front government. The Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill was passed on June 14, with the Left staging a walkout. The Bill has already received governor's assent.
The government meanwhile made amendments to the bill to ensure that land can now be redistributed from anywhere in the 997 acre plot - even the 600 odd acres that was leased to Tata Motors.
"We will move the high court tomorrow," Barrister S Pal, who is representing Tata Motors, told said. Asked which part of the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011, would they will be challenging, he said, "We are challenging the whole act."