08 January 2011

Intraday Tips

It's best to invest in Indian stock market and getting a good return. Some exchanges tips you advise to go for long term investments, some stock market tips suggest you to generate more income for short-term investment to go. Here are some tips in the stock market on the basis of your stock trading style to use quickly available in the Indian stock market.

Tips:1) Do your homework before you invest

It seems obvious, but perhaps the most common mistake that stock investors (especially for beginners), making it well failed to check the stocks they purchase. This means that you develop an understanding of accounting so you one thing for yourself what kind of financial stocks in the company, you decide your own money at risk is part of the can, you know Should you buy. More importantly, investment, hard decisions, including long-term, you just someone else's word that a company can make a lucrative investment. He is always with your mind. Depending on the advice of others, no matter how well they might have to do is almost always a complete disaster. Make sure you dig, and "companies" facts "right check before you invest. Continue to ignore that very little substance, the press and on the "hype" tell the company to trust.

Tips:2) Still to consider, not the "tips" that you "Hot Stocks" talk. Consider the source.
There are many people in the market, spend their time and all efforts to promote certain stocks are. They do this because they have invested their money in these stocks. If enough people buy the stock and the stock price rises can be obtained, they will sell shares for a price, the share price crash and you will get another boost camp.

Tips:3) Only invest money to be lost!
You only have money you can afford to invest less than honest. Every major investment with profit plan enters, but in many cases, never works. (Especially if you are able to reinvest in the stock market)

Tips:4) Check the economic trenches
In any competitive economy, cash for areas with the highest expected return looks stable. As a result competitors most profitable companies find themselves, most companies, while a strong tendency to suffer from lack of means profit. Identify the exchange process, an important part of economic moats is to invest. Because you do not want your business out of business due to tough competition. Make sure you know what makes the company unique, and it protects your business and how to maintain profits.

Tips:5) Make a safe distance
Finding great companies is only half of the process of investing in the stock market - the other half assess the company's worth. You just do not let the market to ask for stock because the stock market may demand too high a price can. The goal of every stock investor to buy shares for less than they are worth should be. Between stock price and value of our estimated safety distance is called the difference.

Tips:6) Know when to sell shares
Ideally, we would hold our equity investments ever, but the reality is that for a few decades worth of companies. Even Warren Buffett, who always stocks, fundamental contributions to the regular tricks to buy and then balance your portfolio. Sell just because the price went up or down, but there are some serious thought, if the following things happened: You made an error in the first place to buy basic things done poorly, the stock has risen well above intrinsic value, you can create better opportunities or it takes too much space in your portfolio.

Tips:7) Use the right broker
Once you find your needs stock is important for brokers who are comfortable in investing. It should not have a stock broker, financial spread betting and differences as more suitable for small and medium-term investment contract brokers. Even higher than the transaction fees all your winnings quickly as business brokers fees can eat.

Tips:8) swinging for the fence a mistake you should avoid
Strong financial and economic crisis to ditch it with good, solid companies is important to purchase. Its share of risky investment portfolio, stock invite all or nothing - investment is a sure way to disaster. Remember, a stock drops 50 percent just to break even point is twofold.

Tips:9) Stock Market Learn from history
The four most expensive words in investing in the stock market: "It's different this time." History to repeat itself, it burst and the economy cycle is known. Market history Not knowing is a big obstacle. But also not to rely on historical data is completely missing.

Tips:10) products fall in love with an error, you should avoid
You do not buy stock in a company just because you think that products can be very attractive and innovative. Always want the financial and corporate history.

Tips:11) If the stock market is down do not panic
Stocks more attractive in general, if someone wants to buy them. Unlike the herd takes courage, but courage pays off. If you own a stock investor looks for bargains in the stock parts that leave everyone else looking for better than the flavor of the month instead of buying in the financial press will do.

Tips:12) Do not try to time the stock market
Stock market's all-time great legends of time an exchange is to invest. A strategy that is consistent, you know the stock market and made it out of him, and usually a market timing service for sale or you say no to that. Technical analysis to analyze the potential entry and exit points are used, but this is likely the results are not 100% accurate.

Tips:13) You can rely on business valuations
The only reason you ever have a stock that you should buy deal is worth more than the past - not because a greater fool to pay more for stocks after a few months to think.

Tips:14) not only results
Cash at the end of the day that matters, not just the results flow. A variety of reasons, per share a company's management, but what will happen to cash flow can be difficult to fiddle with more built accounting for only about earnings. Cash flow statements can give an insight into a company's true position, and you prevent a lot of blowups before they flow relative to cash income only to see the development of operations may be.

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